Was your claim for disability benefits unfairly denied by your insurance company, the SSA or the VA? If you need help with a claim, our Rosenberg disability lawyers are prepared to help you now.
At Marc Whitehead & Associates, our attorneys represent disabled individuals in Rosenberg and Fort Bend County, and throughout the Texas Gulf Coast. Our clients come to us for legal help when their claims have been unreasonably denied, delayed, or terminated for:
- Long term disability insurance benefits
- Social Security Disability Benefits
- Veterans Disability Compensation
We can help you appeal the denial and protect your rights under the law. When the benefits you thought you had are threatened, ask a lawyer about your disability claim. Our case evaluation is free, and will be the first step to determining your best course of action.
Call or text 800-562-9830 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
Rosenberg Disability Lawyers Help Insureds Win Long Term Disability Benefits
If you suspect that you have been wronged by your disability insurance company, it is a good time to speak with a disability insurance attorney at Marc Whitehead & Associates.
Insurance companies often resort to unfair tactics to delay or deny disability claims, no matter how justified your claim may be. If you believe your claim was denied improperly, it may seem like the insurance company has control, is overriding all of your efforts, and there is nothing you can do.
But the insurer does not hold all the cards, and you must not give up. We defend against bad faith insurance practices and wrongful denials of benefits every working day. Settlement negotiations, administrative appeals and claim litigation can be tough without the experience, insight and legal knowledge required to overcome a powerful insurance company’s decision to deny. That is where we excel.
When we take your case, you can be confident that our Rosenberg disability lawyers will apply all of our experience and resources to prove your disability case and secure your rightful benefits.
Whether you are a self-insured professional, or your workplace provides disability coverage as a group benefit—if the insurance company has unfairly withheld benefit payments, contact our law firm today. We represent claimants in disability cases against all of the nation’s major disability insurance companies.
For a free legal consultationwith a disability lawyer serving Rosenberg, call 800-562-9830
Social Security Disability Help for Rosenberg Residents
If you were seriously injured or have become disabled by a chronic medical condition, and cannot return to work or perform gainful employment, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.
If you meet the requirements of eligibility, these benefits should certainly be there for you. The last thing you expect is for your SSD claim to be denied. It may surprise you that over half of initial SSD benefit applications are denied.
It is important to remember that denial is not the end of your claim. You have the right to appeal, and should do so without delay. But the attorney you choose to represent you is critical. Throughout the appeals process, it is advised to be represented by a Social Security Disability attorney.
Marc Whitehead is a Board Certified in Social Security Disability law. Our talented legal team is comprised of knowledgeable and caring professionals who are passionate about what they do. We help disabled Rosenberg residents in all phases of Social Security Disability appeals. This includes representation at the state agency level, at the hearing level, at the Appeals Council and in federal court. We also assist with claims for Supplemental Security Income.
Rosenberg Disability Lawyer Near Me 800-562-9830
We Help Rosenberg Veterans Get the Disability Compensation they have Earned
As a veteran of the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines or Coast Guard, if you sustained an injury or contracted a disease or illness related to active duty, you may qualify for disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You also may be eligible for disability benefits if an existing injury or illness was aggravated due to your military service.
Veterans claiming disability compensation are challenged yet again when their claims are delayed or denied. The prolonged and frustrating process may involve several levels of appeals and extensive documentation to develop and support your claim.
Representation from a qualified VA lawyer can mean the difference between getting the disability rating and compensation that you deserve, and receiving unsatisfactory compensation or none at all.
Marc Whitehead is an accredited Veterans attorney and will represent you at all levels within the VA disability system. Our law firm has decades of experience helping Texas veterans obtain the compensation they deserve.
Learn about the legal assistance we can provide to help you recover your VA Disability benefits.
Rosenberg Disability Lawyers – Let Us Take On the Burden
We know that dealing with government disability programs and private insurance companies can intensify the difficulties that you face every day. Our knowledge and experience in disability law allows us to provide you with the strongest possible representation essential for you to win your claim.
Here is how we work to make the process as easy as possible for you.