If you are currently filing a claim with CIGNA or have had issues with them in the past relating to your long term disability , you may be wondering how the recent multi-state settlement affects you and your claim.
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CIGNAs recent large scale settlement involved California, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maine and Massachusetts wherein $77 Million dollars has been set aside for those whose claims were improperly handled. CIGNA has also agreed to pay penalties to the numerous states involved in the multi-state settlement which will amount to $ 1.6 million dollars.
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Regulators in the states involved examined the claims process used by CIGNA and its subsidiaries, which include Life Insurance Company of North America (LINA), Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. and CIGNA Health and Life Insurance Co. These Insurance Commissioners discovered that the practices for handling claims were not in compliance with the laws that establish standards for insurance companies nor did they follow the guidelines set by state insurance commissioners.
Though thousands of claims that were improperly handled between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010 will be re-evaluated, it will take time to resolve.
You may think that because CIGNA has had the spotlight turned on to their unfair practices they will change the way they do business in the future thus making the lives of those struggling with disabilities easier. Unfortunately, this may not be the case. CIGNA will likely continue to as they have in the past by unfairly denying benefits to claimants who truly deserve them and making the claimants lives even more difficult by dragging the process out for months or even years.
All of this is just another reason why it’s so important to have legal expert Marc Whitehead fighting on your side.
If you have questions about your disability claim, visit our website or download a copy of our free E-book today!