Do Veterans Face Risks from Jet Fuel Exposure?
Many Veterans encounter jet fuel during their military service, which can lead to various health problems, such as issues with the nervous system and breathing. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does not have specific benefits for those exposed to jet fuel. Still, Veterans with health issues related to this exposure might qualify for VA benefits. Veterans may have been...

Why You Need Long Term Disability Insurance
The likelihood of missing months or even years of work due to an injury or illness may seem low, especially if you are young, healthy, and work at a desk. However, according to the Social Security Administration, more than one in four 20-year-olds will experience a disability before reaching retirement age. Long Term disability (LTD) insurance serves as a crucial...

What Are Survivor Benefits?
Individuals who are beneficiaries of a deceased person may receive monthly payments from Social Security if the deceased had worked and contributed to Social Security. Typically, there is no need to apply for Survivor benefits if you are already receiving Family benefits. Your benefit type and amount will be automatically adjusted. You might be eligible if you are the spouse,...

Top 5 Mistakes after a Knee Replacement Surgery
A knee replacement surgery may qualify you for Long Term benefits if you cannot work, particularly if you suffer from chronic pain and have been unable to work for more than 12 months. Approximately 790,000 knee replacement operations are performed in the United States every year. It is not uncommon for people to undergo double knee replacement surgery; for example,...

What Is the 5-Year Rule for Social Security Disability?
The 5-Year Rule for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) pertains to a specific requirement regarding the work history of individuals applying for disability benefits. To qualify for SSDI, you generally must have earned a certain number of work credits, which are based on your earnings over time. The key points of this rule are as follows: Work Credits Requirement To...

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
According to the American Association for Cancer Research, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, surpassed only by lung cancer. The National Cancer Institute estimates that in 2024, 152,810 individuals in the United States were diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer, and approximately 53,010 died from it. While there is no guaranteed way...

How to Avoid Scams About Social Security Disability Benefits
Every March, the U.S. Social Security Administration holds National Slam the Scam Day to help Americans recognize the changing tricks scammers use to steal money or personal information. Scammers constantly change their tactics and use new technology, but their main goal is always the same: to scare victims into quickly giving them money or sensitive details. National Slam the Scam...

What is the VA Bilateral Factor?
Overview of VA Bilateral Factor The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs uses the VA Bilateral Factor to calculate disability benefits for veterans with service-related disabilities affecting both sides of their body. Applies when a veteran has more than one disability on either the left or right side (like both arms or both legs) or on both sides (like one arm and one...

What Happens When You Don’t Show Up To Your Social Security Hearing?
Social Security Disability Insurance Hearing You may have been waiting for months or even years for your Social Security Disability Insurance hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). However, unforeseen circumstances might arise on the day of the hearing, such as a family emergency, transportation issues, or an unexpected hospitalization. What steps should you take, and what are the consequences...

Long Term Disability Benefits: Why is Regular Treatment Important?
Why is it Important to Regularly Treat With Your Doctor While Receiving Long Term Disability Benefits? Many Long Term disability benefit claims are denied because claimants do not seek enough medical treatment. Maintaining regular communication and visits with your doctor while receiving Long Term Disability benefits is crucial for several reasons: Medical Documentation Frequent visits to your doctor help ensure...