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Nacogdoches Long Term Disability Claims · Social Security Disability · Texas Veterans Claim Attorneys
Many legitimate disability claims are denied, whether for long term disability benefits through an insurance company, the Social Security Administration, or the Veterans Administration.
When we talk, we will answer all of your questions and advise you of your legal options. Our skill and experience will give you the best chance of obtaining the maximum benefits under the law.
For a free legal consultationwith a lawyer serving Nacogdoches, call 800-562-9830
Long Term Disability Insurance Claim Denials
You have paid disability insurance premiums for years, and now you have suffered a serious illness or injury. You desperately need to obtain your long term disability benefits, but the insurance company has denied your claim. What can you do?
Our attorneys are specialists in long term disability insurance law, and we are well aware of the methods used by insurance providers to deny, stall or terminate legitimate claims filed by their policyholders.
Insurance companies and their teams of attorneys recognize our firm to be a skillful advocate against the wrongful denial of LTD benefits. They know that we will aggressively represent our clients.
If your claim was denied or insufficiently handled by the insurance agency, we will thoroughly examine the conditions of your claim denial for free. If we take your case, we will expertly represent your claim in order to obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve.
Disability Lawyer Near Me 800-562-9830
Social Security Disability (SSD) Benefits
We help people at any stage of the Social Security Disability process. Many Nacogdoches claimants turn to us after they have been denied benefits.
With significant experience in the social security benefits process, attorney Marc Whitehead is Board Certified in Social Security Disability law. We are prepared to handle your social security appeal, all the way to lawsuit in federal court if necessary. Our firm will represent you diligently, to build and document your case to the SSA.
If you live in Nacogdoches or nearby eastern Texas and have been denied disability benefits, call us toll free today at 800-562-9830 for a free case evaluation about your SSD claim. We will use all of our resources to expedite your claim and lead you to success with a well-structured and convincing case.
Nacogdoches Veterans Disability Claims
If you became disabled as a result of serving your country, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the Veteran’s Administration (VA).
However, the number of VA disability benefits that are not being paid to deserving military personnel is staggering. Either the claims are denied, lost in the enormous backlog of cases, or the disability rating is not what it should be. And more claims are wrongfully denied or delayed every day.
If you applied for veteran’s disability benefits and were denied, do not give up. Let us fight for you. The law now allows Accredited Veterans Claim Attorneys to provide powerful legal help in getting VA disability benefits for deserving military men and women.
Ask Us About Your Claim Today.
When you are dissatisfied with your decision from the VA, call Marc Whitehead & Associates at 800-562-9830. We will properly develop your claim, file the appeal and advance it through the VA process – on the right track – as quickly as possible.
Ask our attorneys about your claim. We are proud to represent claimants in Nacogdoches and all of Nacogdoches County and eastern Texas.
View our Disability Services.
Learn more about our Texas disability attorneys serving Nacogdoches claimants.