Many people come to me after they have had their claim denied, and they’re not sure whether or not ERISA law makes it worth fighting the decision of their insurance company. After all, if a big company has looked at all the facts and decided that there is no reason you should be getting benefits, how can you really argue with that? Isn’t it possible that they’re just right?
Sure, it’s possible. But what you have to remember is that insurers aren’t paying your medical bills and helping with your disability out of the kindness of their hearts. They are in a business, and for them to make money, they need to make it difficult for people to collect.
Before they even look at your specific case and examine the evidence, the insurance company is considering what they can use to deny you benefits. If you miss specific criteria – forget to dot an “I” or cross a “t” –that can be the end of your claim. Requesting an administrative appeal is your way to fight against this and give yourself a second chance.