If your long term disability claim for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was denied, the attorneys at Marc Whitehead & Associates may be able to help. Many times, claims for this illness are denied on the initial filing. If this has happened to you, do not lose hope.
When you are unable to work as a result of contracting EBV or from complications of this disease, you must consider hiring a skilled disability attorney to assist you. There are numerous hurdles and concerns that you will not be aware of. Experienced counsel can best protect your rights.
Call or text 800-562-9830 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
What Is Epstein-Barr Virus?
EPV is an infection that causes various diseases, the most common being infectious mononucleosis – the “kissing disease” – so named because it is easily transmitted by saliva. It is a type of herpesvirus, dubbed herpesvirus 4.
EBV is extremely common; it is more likely you will have contracted the disease than not. It infects about ½ of children under five years old, and almost 95% of the adult U.S. population has been infected at some point by EBV.
Although the numbers of cases are vast, disability claims from the disease are rare. This is because the virus is generally not serious nor disabling for long periods of time.
This presents an unfortunate model for those who do suffer disabling medical conditions that are the result of EBV. If this has been your experience, please get in touch with our disability attorneys as soon as possible. We will do all we can to help you obtain your rightful LTD benefits.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-562-9830
Common Symptoms of Epstein-Barr (Mononucleosis)
Patients with mono generally suffer from fatigue, fever, sore throat and swollen neck glands. Symptoms lessen usually in about two weeks, and most people regain their normal health. In some cases extreme fatigue can last for months after the initial onset.
Exposed children generally fend off symptoms with little trouble. Teenagers and adults are much more prone to suffer symptoms. Still in the majority of cases, the virus is not considered serious and patients recover in a matter of weeks.
Proving Your Long Term Disability Claim to the Insurance Company
Disability insurance companies tend to dismiss Epstein-Barr virus as a lasting or disabling condition. Insurers will generally deny long term disability claims for mononucleosis, on the grounds that the condition it is simply a temporary illness.
It is when complications or associated medical conditions caused by the Epstein-Barr attack, that a person becomes disabled. These complications may include
- The spleen may become enlarged, causing rupture
- Liver may enlarge slightly
- Jaundice may develop in some cases
Rarer EBV complications can include
- certain cancers of the nose and throat, and lymphoma
- encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)
- meningitis (tissues coving the brain )
- anemia
- blocked airways due to swollen lymph nodes
- EPV has been linked to multiple sclerosis (MS)
- seizures
- nerve damage
- abnormal behavior
If you filed a claim with your insurance provider and were unfairly denied LTD benefits, or benefits were terminated, we can help. Our disability lawyers have extensive experience appealing claims denied by insurance companies, whether your claim is under an individual LTD policy, or a group insurance plan offered by your employer.
Epstein-Barr virus is not listed in the Social Security Listings of Impairments.
A claimant who is diagnosed with the virus cannot technically “meet or equal” an SSA listing, since none exists. To win Social Security Disability benefits, a claimant must prove to SSA that their condition caused by EBV disables them from working and earning a living.
A connection between EBV and Chronic Fatigue:
Social Security Administration has found correlation to laboratory studies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Epstein-Barr. In its search for evidence of a medically determinable impairment (MDI) for Chronic Fatigue, SSA discovered an elevated antibody titer correlating to Epstein-Barr — meaning SSA will consider EBV as evidence for Chronic Fatigue.
Our lawyers are dedicated to helping Social Security Disability beneficiaries with the benefits they deserve. Call us today for immediate assistance.
Veterans Benefits for Epstein-Barr Virus
Veterans may file claims for service-connected disability compensation for chronic Epstein Barr Virus infection and supporting causative factors.
Diverse situations may be in play, for example: a mononucleosis infection could be demonstrated to be service connected, where the resulting Epstein-Barr virus may be the cause of secondary or residual conditions of Chronic Fatigue or Hodgkin lymphoma. Or the EBV may be service connected based on aggravation.
It is essential to have a qualified and experienced veterans disability lawyer research the facts of your case, review your claims file and work with you to help you get the benefits you need and deserve.
We are accredited Veterans Claim Attorneys as required to represent veterans before the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs. We are honored to assist you in the preparation, presentation and/or prosecution of your claim.
Defend Disability Benefits with a Qualified Attorney.
If you are disabled due to the Epstein-Barr virus and can no longer work, and have been wrongly denied disability benefits, give us a call. The team at Marc Whitehead & Associates will evaluate your claim and help you understand your best legal path forward at no cost to you.
Ask Us About Your Claim Today.
If you were denied long term disability benefits, Social Security Disability or Veterans’ Disability Compensation, we are prepared to help you now. 800-562-9830