Do you have a potential Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma case? Scientific studies have linked multiple myeloma to exposure to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC.
Over a million people worked or lived on the marine base from the 1950s to the mid-80s. Unfortunately, these individuals were unaware that dangerous pollutants contaminated the water they were drinking, cooking, and bathing in. Since the toxic exposure would cause health problems after many years, countless veterans, spouses, and children left the base without knowing of impending health risks.
Exposure victims diagnosed with multiple myeloma may have a strong claim for legal action. When you contact a Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma lawyer at Marc Whitehead & Associates, we will discuss your case with you in a free and informative legal consultation.
Multiple myeloma has devastated military families, and victims can now file lawsuits against the United States under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) of 2022. Our attorneys represent service members, family members, and civilian workers who lived at Camp Lejeune between August 1953 and December 1987 and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.
If you believe you may have a Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma case, it is essential to seek legal help right away.
We can represent you in your multiple myeloma lawsuit against the U.S. government for injuries or wrongful death due to ingesting toxic water while living and working at the base.
All individual lawsuits will be filed exclusively in the Federal Courts of the Eastern District of North Carolina. The CLJA allows victims to pursue legal action against the U.S. Government in the same manner mass tort and personal injury litigation is handled.
We are often asked if CLJA lawsuits are a class action. They are not; thus, there are no multiple myeloma class action lawsuits under the new Camp Lejeune legislation. We urge you to call on us for answers and clarification on these or any other questions you may have.
Call or text 800-562-9830 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
Multiple Myeloma at Camp Lejeune Caused by Contaminated Water
The chemicals found in the marine base’s water supply have been associated with severe health problems across many scientific studies, including direct ties to the development of multiple myeloma.
What Is Multiple Myeloma?
Multiple myeloma is a cancer that is difficult to treat. This form of cancer attacks plasma cells, a type of white blood cell found in the bone marrow that normally produces antibodies.
Our bodies rely on antibody production to help attack and kill germs. When the plasma cells become cancerous and grow out of control, this is called multiple myeloma. Sometimes there may be no symptoms initially. As multiple myeloma progresses, severe symptoms occur, including:
- calcium problems such as weakened bones and fractures
- bone pain
- low blood counts
- anemia
- kidney damage and kidney failure
- infections
- other plasma cell disorders
The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) lists multiple myeloma as a rare form of cancer. Other names for this condition are plasma cell myeloma, or simply myeloma.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-562-9830
Multiple Myeloma and Toxic Exposure
In the 1950s, Camp Lejeune water became contaminated with chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Four of the most notorious chemical are:
- tetrachloroethylene (PCE)
- trichloroethylene (TCE)
- vinyl chloride, and
- benzene
These pollutants came from dry cleaning solvents, degreasers, chemicals for cleaning machinery, and other sources. Poor storage and improper waste disposal from sources both on and off the base allowed the chemicals to leak into the facility’s drinking water. As a result, the VOCs caused harmful and sometimes fatal health effects to residents of Camp Lejeune during the 30 years and beyond.
Notably, TCE and benzene are linked to a higher risk of causing multiple myeloma from toxic environmental exposure. For this reason, Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma claims are generally well-grounded.
Can I File a Multiple Myeloma Lawsuit Against Camp Lejeune?
The CLJA guidelines explain what you must prove to bring a lawsuit against the government for being exposed to toxins and cancer-causing chemicals in the base’s water. If you meet the qualifying criteria, you can pursue a Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma personal injury claim or a wrongful death action.
There Are Several Criteria You Must Meet to File a Lawsuit about Camp Lejeune
Under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, to file a multiple myeloma lawsuit, you must be able to prove that:
- You lived or worked, or were otherwise exposed to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water, for 30 days or more, between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987. This includes civilians, veterans, active military, and their families, including unborn babies exposed in the womb.
- You have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma (and any other illness) which is linked to contaminated water exposure.
How an Attorney Can Help
A Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma lawyer will handle all administrative requirements as posted by the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG). We will help you avoid delays and maximize your chances for a fair claim for reparations from the U.S. government.
As your attorneys, we will help you search out, assemble and prepare all medical records, evidence, and testimony necessary to develop your claim correctly. We examine every aspect of your case and consider how your exposure to the water contaminants at Camp Lejeune has affected you and your loved ones over time.
Are you a veteran who is already receiving disability benefits from the V.A.? The Camp Lejeune Act may allow you to recover compensation for matters that are not covered by standard V.A. disability compensation, such as pain and suffering or loss of employment. Our attorneys are ready to help you in these matters.
Long-term disabilities are a common outcome of Camp Lejeune water injuries. Victims who win a disability lawsuit should pursue both economic and non-economic damages.
Request a Free Legal Consultation
Camp Lejeune veterans and family members diagnosed with multiple myeloma from exposure to the toxic water have little or no defenses against infections and diseases. Our dedicated team is prepared to fight on your behalf. If you’re planning on filing a Camp Lejeune multiple myeloma lawsuit, you should retain an experienced mass tort attorney who understands the complexities of your case.