The National Organization of Social Security Claims Representative (NOSSCR) has issued the following release:
“The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) Social Security Disability Adjudication Project has issued Draft Recommendations and two related reports that will be considered by the ACUS Committee on Adjudication beginning at a March 6, 2013, meeting. The Project Consultants are Dean Harold J. Krent, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Scott Morris, Associate Dean, IIT College of Psychology. Dean Krentwas a keynote speaker at the May 2012 NOSSCR conference in Philadelphia, PA.
The Recommendations, Draft Reports, and two Statistical Appendices are available on the Project’s website, The March 6 meeting will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET. The meeting can be viewed live online and it also will be archived for later viewing. To view the meeting live:
- Go to Scroll down the homepage. On the left side, there is a link to “View Meetings Live.”
- Click on the link, which takes you to the “Webcast Media Archive.”
- Scroll down to the link for the March 6 meeting. The Agenda is currently available for download. When the meeting is held, the link will go “live” for viewing the meeting.
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The Draft Recommendation addresses “Achieving Greater Consistency in Social Security Disability Adjudications.” The two related Draft Reports are: (1) “Achieving Greater Consistency in Social Security Disability Adjudication: An Empirical Study and Suggested Reforms” and (2) “SSA Disability Benefits Programs: Assessing the Efficacy of the Treating Physician Rule.” NOSSCR was asked to submit responses to specific questions regarding the Treating Physician Rule report. The first version of the Draft Report mischaracterized NOSSCR’s position by stating that we had no concern about using the same standard for all evidence. A correction letter was sent to ACUS and asked the report be revised to accurately represent NOSSCR’s position that we support the treating physician rule, which means that if the criteria are met, a treating physician’s opinion will be given controlling weight. Otherwise, medical evidence is evaluated under the factors in the regulations. The report has been changed and not accurately reflects NOSSCR’s position. See pages 45-46.
To learn more about the social security disability process, contact Texas Social Security Disability lawyer Marc Whitehead at 800-562-9830 or visit
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Comments from the public can be submitted. Toward the bottom of the Project’s website, There is a link for submitting comments. According to the ACUS comment policy, all comments will be posted online on the Project website.”
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