Question: Will my LTD benefits always be there for me?
Answer: It depends. With LTD insurance, it is never ‘once disabled, always disabled.’ It is an ongoing, running battle to stay on benefits.
When a claim is approved, many people think they are all set to continue receiving their monthly benefit payments until they reach the end of the policy’s benefit period. This is not the case.
Long term disability benefits can be terminated at any time at the discretion of the insurance company. Just as with initial claim denials, insurers seek opportunities—valid or not—to withhold or cancel benefits on approved claims after monthly payments begin.
You should not spend the rest of your life wondering whether this will be the month you lose your benefits. Our monthly LTD claim handling service removes this uncertainty.
Call or text 800-562-9830 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
Protect Your Long-Term Disability Benefits from Termination
Most clients that hire us at the beginning of their claim continue to have us protect their benefits throughout the life of their claim. New clients come to us when they abruptly get a notice that their LTD benefits are being terminated, or that their claim is under review for changes in their disabled status.
Insurance companies use many techniques to stop valid disability benefit payments. By closely managing claims on a continuing basis, our attorneys are able to protect our clients’ legal rights and their benefits for as long as they remain disabled.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-562-9830
Once you are on claim, the insurance company shifts gears in its review process.
The insurer now requires ongoing proof that you remain eligible for disability. This means that you submit to periodic LTD eligibility reviews.
Many insurers also take on intensified, non-routine investigative tactics. The company will look for signs that your medical condition is improving while shooting holes in any weaknesses they can find in your claim. These tactics have been the undoing of many disabled insureds’ benefits.
A common reason to have benefits cut off is when the insurer finds some means to allege that you are no longer disabled. The insurer hopes that you are the sole defender of your claim. They prefer to deal directly with you and your doctor so they can overwhelm you with requests for ongoing medical updates and proof of disability.
Requests involve updated physician statements and medical reports, treatment reviews and pharmacy updates. You may be required to submit to an independent medical exam and/or functional capacity evaluation. You will likely be subject to video surveillance and unannounced field interviews.
The constant cycle of requests and re-assessment brings stress and anxiety to people whose lives are already full of struggles. For many claimants, this is a tipping point. Most are simply too disabled to assume these tasks and are overwhelmed by insurance companies’ demands.
Long-Term Disability Benefit Protection Services™
At Marc Whitehead & Associates, we manage the constant cycle of disability reviews and re-evaluation for our clients. Our attorneys will continually update and fortify your disability claim to keep your benefits in place.
We become the sole point of contact between the insurance company and you. We serve as your legal intermediaries so that you have the highest likelihood to receive maximum, uninterrupted disability benefits under your policy, and that the insurance company treats you fairly.
Key to this process is continual treatment from your doctor after you are approved for benefits. Failure to remain under your doctors’ care and treatment plan is the biggest reason for benefit termination. Many people receiving benefits may feel as though there’s nothing their doctors can do for them any longer, and stop going in for medical examinations and treatment. Nothing will bring a valid claim to a screeching halt more quickly.
Our legal team works closely with you and your doctors on an ongoing basis to support and show proof of continued treatment and true status of your disabilities including any changes to your condition.
We Manage the Constant Cycle of Disability Reviews and Re-evaluation
Here is what our Benefit Protection Services™ will do:
- We provide full legal representation at the semi-annual review by your insurance carrier
- Your attorney will review the insurance carrier’s evidentiary requests against what is allowed by the Code of Federal Regulations
- Your attorney will analyze the insurance carrier’s possible denial strategy
- We develop proactive strategies to maintain your disability status
- We review your policy for shifting disability definitions and limitations
- We proactively develop evidence before the shifting of definitions and limitations occurs
- We work with your doctors to develop the best evidence of disability
- Your attorney reviews and submits the latest medical & vocational evidence
- Your attorney completes and submits all forms
- Your attorney takes over all communications with the insurance carrier
- Your attorney closely monitors all deadlines
- Your attorney monitors all possible shifting offsets and overpayments
- Your attorney handles overpayment negotiations if necessary
Protecting your disability benefits becomes a long-term chore of its own.
It is a balancing act of meeting policy requirements, handling endless requests for information from the insurance company, cultivating long-term cooperation from your treating doctors, and reporting everything with careful precision.
Insurers never stop looking for ways to show that you are no longer disabled and can return to work. Once your claim is approved, the insurance company has trained staff whose purpose is to review approved claims regularly to assess whether the claimants’ disabling condition has changed to where they might be ineligible for benefits.
Monthly LTD Claim Handling for the Life of Your Claim
Getting approved for benefits is no guarantee that you will stay on claim. Insurers make it their practice to look for opportunities where they can argue to close active claims and cut off payments.
You do not have to fight the insurer any further. Our Benefits Protection Services™ plan is in place to remove these worries and the tremendous weight of uncertainty and bring you the peace of mind you deserve. We protect both group disability and individual disability claims on an ongoing basis.
Our experienced long-term disability attorneys represent insureds from coast to coast. We can help you or your loved one remain eligible for benefits and make certain the insurance company honors their duty to pay benefits.
When you retain our law firm, the insurance carrier will know that they cannot run over you. Call us at 800-562-9830 with any questions you have about ongoing monthly LTD claim handling and keeping your benefits secure for years to come.
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