This student has demonstrated a passion for service inside and outside of school. Eva envisions her future traveling the globe and serving the healthcare needs of people all over the world. Her servant’s heart will lead her to do great things, and we are proud to be able to assist her in her goals. Way to go, Eva!
Eva Palmer

Eva Palmer spent her childhood traveling across the country as a military brat; now, she wants to dedicate her career to traveling to those who need help most — just as her father did.
Eva is the oldest sibling with three younger brothers and the daughter of a U.S. Navy veteran and Air Force military member, and she is the recipient of the Marc Whitehead & Associates 2021 Frances & Earl Perry Memorial Veterans Scholarship. Eva is currently earning her bachelor’s degree in sociology and Spanish from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, and upon graduation, she will enter an accelerated nursing program. She hopes to someday serve with Doctors Without Borders.
“I don’t think I ever would have traveled this much without my dad being in the military,” Eva says. “It might have been difficult at times … [but] it made me grow out of my comfort zone and introduced me to new places and people.”
This scholarship means Eva can continue her family’s history of servitude, even if she doesn’t actively serve in the military.
“It’s a rigorous and pricey education, so earning this scholarship means I can focus on the education aspect and not the financial one while earning my degree,” Eva says. “It allows me to work toward my career, which will allow me to pay it forward.”
Today, Eva serves with Gonzaga’s service-focused sorority and often spends time at home with her family. She’s also an avid reader —particularly of “Harry Potter” — and enjoys hiking and deep-sea fishing, which is a callback to her family’s time in Alaska.
We’re proud to support Eva, and we know she will do great things with her education!
You can learn more about our scholarships and other resources online at College Scholarship.
Terms and Conditions:
Entry materials will not be returned to you. By submitting an entry for the Flora Marie Jenkins Memorial Disability Scholarship, you acknowledge that if you become a scholarship recipient, Marc Whitehead & Associates will own all rights to publish and promote the submission.
All applicants agree that they consent to the use of their name and city/state of residence, as well to the use of their likeness (as in a photograph) and award information.
Marc Whitehead & Associates’ RIGHT TO MODIFY, SUSPEND OR TERMINATE. In the event Marc Whitehead & Associates is prevented from continuing with the Scholarship Program by any event beyond its reasonable control, then Marc Whitehead & Associates shall have the right in its sole discretion to modify or terminate the Scholarship Program.