Veterans Disability Claims – Free eBook Helps Vets Win Benefits
Without the right weapons, it’s hard to win the fight. This holds true for the battle that hundreds of thousands of disabled vets fight every day on their own turf, trying to win veterans disability claims.
Deserving veterans and their dependents have little chance of understanding how to meet the endless and complex requirements of the VA disability claims process. We want you to have the information you need to win the benefits you earned and deserve. In order to prevail, you need an accurate, straightforward resource that clarifies the entire claims process, all in one place.
This veterans disability claims Ebook below is prepared specifically for veterans and their families. Written by veterans disability attorney Marc Whitehead, the book covers every aspect of pursuing your rights as a vet to disability compensation.
Strategies For a Winning Campaign
For military veterans who served our country in conflicts such as World War II, the Korean War, Viet Nam, the Gulf War and our current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the veterans disability claims process is too often a long and insufferable struggle. Many claims are initially denied or unreasonably delayed, and the reasons why are inexcusable.
Get the facts about what the VA needs to have in order to approve your claim:
- Beginning the Claims Process: How long do VA claims take to go through (and why is the VA claims process so bad?)
- Understand the eligibility requirements to receive veterans benefits
- How does a veteran file a disability claim with the VA
- Compensation vs. pension – know the difference
- VA compensation claims – the most important of all veterans benefits
- Establishing service connection
- Establishing a disability rating percentage
- Effective dates
- VA pension
- Presumptions and rules in the VA claims process
- Appealing a denial of a veterans disability claim
- Using evidence and legal presumptions to help your claim
- Veterans benefits for family members
- Psychological & cognitive disabilities
- Special rules for combat veterans
- Agent Orange exposure
- Persian Gulf veterans’ claims
- Tobacco use eligible for VA claims
- Upgrading a veteran’s discharge status
- Attorney representation and fee
An Accredited Veterans Claim Attorney as required to practice law before the VA, Marc Whitehead has significant first-hand experience fighting for veterans’ rights. It is our hope the information in this ebook will make a difference in your success in securing the vet disability benefits you deserve.
Please note, the above book is provided for educational purposes only. The information in the book has been prepared as a public resource on veterans disability claims and is not intended as legal advice. A licensed attorney should be consulted directly on all legal issues that may affect you or your case.
Additional Information
Veterans Disability Benefits
Disability Denials Home
Veterans Disability Glossary
For a free case evaluation, call us today at 800-562-9830.