You’ve suffered a crippling disability from a serious illness or injury, and can no longer work and earn a living. Life as you know it has been shattered. Your medical bills are already far beyond your ability to pay.
Fortunately, you have a long term disability insurance policy with Unum, so you’re protected financially. You file a LTD claim.
But Unum denies your claim. You’re not sure what your rights are, and you’re worried about trusting what Unum says. You should be. Your financial interests and Unum’s are in sharp contrast. You need a full, fair disability income payout, and the insurance company wants to pay the minimum, or better yet, nothing.
If you have been wrongly denied disability by Unum, this ebook is for you.
Our short book takes a closer look at the unreasonable manner in which Unum and other insurers can operate.
Here’s what the chapters will cover:
- Unum’s Company History
- The Disability Insurance Industry – An Overview
- A Quick Explanation of Three Common Types of Coverage
- How Insurers Pay Your Disability Benefits
- What You Can Do If You Have a Pre-Existing Condition
- Other Policy Limitations
- How Federal ERISA Law Affects Your Disability Claim
- 8 Battle-tested Tips to Win Disability Benefits on Your Initial Application
- What Do You Have to Prove to Win Your Disability Insurance Claim?
- Determining Your Residual Functional Capacity (RFC)
- Claim Denied: Your Administrative Appeal
- Insurance Company Tactics for Denying Claims
- Lost Your Administrative Appeal? Here’s How to File a Lawsuit
- Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Disability Attorney
The good news is, you can fight back and win
Call or text 800-562-9830 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
If you have been denied disability by Unum, our free ebook presents the facts and insights you need in order to win your claim and avoid the pitfalls that cause so many Unum claims to fail. It’s your guide to getting the LTD insurance benefits, and the respect, you deserve. If you have questions, or want to schedule a free consultation, call Marc Whitehead & Associates at 800-562-9830 today.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-562-9830
Please note, the above book is offered for educational purposes only, and is not intended as legal advice. A licensed disability denial attorney should be consulted directly on all legal issues that may affect you or your case.