Has your claim for paralysis disability been denied? Sometimes in order to get justice, you must fight for it. At Marc Whitehead & Associates, we work with paralyzed individuals across the country who are in desperate need of disability coverage.
Our focus is to help those who are disabled fight back when insurance companies, the Social Security Administration and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) unfairly deny disability benefits, and fail to pay.
Call or text 800-562-9830 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form
About Paralysis Disability
Paralysis is the loss or deterioration of motor function in one or more muscle groups. Paralysis victims can no longer voluntarily control body movements. If you suffer from paralysis, it likely has made a devastating impact on your life, including your ability to hold down a job.
Paralysis is often the result of spinal cord injuries. Disease and other conditions such as stroke may also impair neuromuscular function. Advanced forms of paralysis include:
- Paraplegia: Weakness or paralysis of both legs
- Quadriplegia: Weakness or paralysis of both arms and both legs
Due to the severity of quadriplegia, paraplegia and other paralytic conditions, many paralysis victims require permanent total disability.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-562-9830
Claiming Paralysis Disability on a LTD Insurance Policy
Many insurance carriers doggedly fight to keep their costs low by denying critical coverage. Because paralysis disability claims can imply serious care needs with high, long-term expense, insurance companies may avoid approving disability benefits that are available with the policy.
You may be unsure of the benefits available within the ambiguous language in your policy. Do not depend on your insurance carrier to act in your best interest.
You don’t have to accept their denial. When the insurance company shuts its eyes on your paralysis and the significant problems and challenges in your life, we will step in and stand up for your rights.
As disability attorneys, we are keenly aware of the strategies used by insurance companies to delay and deny payment on claims, no matter how valid the claim may be. We will know exactly what is needed to file an effective appeal.
We will also anticipate the arguments the insurance companies will use to defend their decision to deny your claim.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for Paralysis Disability
SSDI benefits are available to those who are victims of paralysis that prohibits their ability work.
You can find the Social Security online Listing of Impairments for paralysis resulting from spinal cord injuries under Musculoskeletal System listings, Section 1.04, Disorders of the Spine. Serious neurological impairments causing full or partial paralysis (paraparesis, paraplegia) may also be evaluated under the criteria in the Neurological Section 11.00.
If your disability claim for paralysis was turned down, you have a limited time to appeal the decision. Claimants have 60 days (with a 5 day grace period to receive the letter of denial) to file an appeal.
Do not be discouraged. Most SSDI claims are initially denied. As Board Certified Social Security lawyers, our firm can give you superior support in pursuing your disability benefits. We can represent your claim at any level of the appeals process.
Veterans with Paralysis Disability
The VA uses a schedule for rating disabilities when determining the level of a veteran’s service-connected disability. Paralysis, paraplegia and quadriplegia are rated according to loss of function and the effect on your ability to work and earn a living.
If the VA Regional Office has denied your Veterans disability claim regarding paralysis, or awarded an unsatisfactory level of benefits, you should immediately appeal the decision. Due to the complexity of the VA claims process, having a highly qualified attorney is to your advantage.
If you are a paralyzed American Veteran and have been denied compensation for disability, talk with us about representing you on appeal. We are accredited Veterans claims attorneys who will properly pursue your claim so you can recover the full compensation you deserve, at the proper disability rating.
Get Help – Contact Our Disability Attorneys
We understand the devastating nature of paralysis, and we are dedicated to helping victims of this impairment receive maximum compensation. Marc Whitehead & Associates has the substantial resources and experience to take on the largest insurance companies, the Social Security Administration, or the Veterans Administration.
If you or a loved one suffer from paralysis and are struggling to get the benefits you deserve, please call our attorneys toll free at 800-562-9830 or request a Free Consultation with a lawyer to discuss your paralysis disability now. We represent the disabled nationwide.