When you look at the definitions for how much physical labor a job requires, it’s pretty easy to see how someone with a disability might have difficulty with most of them. After all, you probably don’t imagine someone in a wheelchair transporting boxes constantly, or an individual who can’t lift his or her arms operating heavy machinery.
And then there are Sedentary jobs. By definition, these are positions where workers sit for at least two-thirds of the time and only rarely exert themselves physically, lifting up to a relatively paltry 10 pounds when they do. At first glance, it seems like Sedentary jobs could be performed by just about anyone.
But the truth is not so clear cut.
How a Disability Can Harm Your Ability to Do Sedentary Work
While other types of work might be more physically demanding, there are still problems that can be exacerbated by Sedentary positions.
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Sitting all day adds to low back pressure. If you are suffering from a musculoskeletal or other condition that causes back issues, a Sedentary job can actually worsen your disability because of the pressure put on your back when you sit all day in an office chair. Additionally, people in Sedentary jobs typically need to be able to turn their head to look at a screen or documents, and they often have to position their hands on a keyboard and type, both of which some conditions make difficult. Simply put, there are those who just can’t sit all day because of the pain it causes them to be in that position.
Pain causes distraction. While this isn’t true for all Sedentary work, many of these types of jobs are relatively mentally taxing. Unfortunately, a number of disabilities come with pain, which can make it hard to concentrate and complete complex tasks that require higher mental functioning. So just because you might be able to physically perform a Sedentary job doesn’t mean that you can mentally handle it. Similarly, there are conditions that can harm your ability to multi-task or remember specific information, and someone suffering from this type of disability might not be able to handle higher-level Sedentary work.
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Don’t put off making your ERISA disability claim because you’re afraid your condition won’t pass muster. Far too many people suffer through pain needlessly because they are scared or embarrassed, but a good disability attorney can help you determine whether your claim is worth pursuing in a discrete manner.
Learn more by reading our free disability policies eBook.
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